The Hotel Del Coronado

Located in San Diego, CA, The Hotel Del Coronado was the setting for a tragic tale of lost love.  In the late 1800’s, a young, beautiful lady named Kate Morgan fell in love with and married a cheating, gambling man with a bad reputation.  When she became pregnant, her husband sent her a letter and ended their relationship.  She tracked him down to The Hotel del Coronado where he was staying and checked in using the name Mrs. Lottie Anderson.  She later caught him in the act with another woman.  After arguing with him, she stormed from the room and was found dead a day or two later on Thanksgiving Day 1892. 

There are two different versions of Kate’s demise.  The first version is that she purchased a gun with the intent of killing her cheating husband, but had a change of heart and committed suicide instead.  The second version says her husband actually killed her and then staged the scene to make it look like a suicide.

Kate’s presence is said to linger in the hotel, mainly confined to room 3502, but strange things have occurred in rooms 3505 and 3312 as well.  Witnesses have reported an apparition in a black lace dress, hearing strange choking noises, unexplained footsteps and cold spots.  Guest have also reported objects disappearing or moving on their own.

Want to visit The Hotel Del Coronado? Visit the official site.

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